Seven Surprising Superpowers in A Mother’s Milk
Benefits of Breast Milk
Breast milk has lots of energy-rich and immune components that protect your baby against infections and illness. Benefits of breast milk has lots of health benefits for mothers as well. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and to continue breastfeeding for at least 12 months.
It not only protects your baby against infections in the initial months but helps prevent health problems like diabetes, asthma, and obesity to your baby in the later stages of their life. For mothers, breastfeeding reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer. Also, breastfeeding can help the uterus to contract and bleeding to arrest more quickly after delivery.
Nutrients in Breast Milk
The table below describes the nutrients in the mother’s milk and their vital functions.S.NoNutrients in breast milkFunctions1Proteins 60% of whey and 40% of casein
1. Helps in the development and protection of neurons in the brain.
2. IgA in breast milk protects your baby against viruses and bacteria
3. Some proteins in breast milk possess anti-inflammatory properties2Fats (Long-chain fatty acids)Helps build your baby’s nervous system and supports brain and eye development3Vitamins and mineralsHealthy growth and functions of organs4CarbohydratesMaintenance of gut health and helps increase the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium5HormonesHelps regulate baby’s appetite and sleep patterns6EnzymesHelps in baby’s digestion and aids in the absorption of iron
Seven Surprising Superpowers in A Mother’s Milk
Breast milk possesses biological, physiological, and psychological benefits for both mothers and babies. Here are seven surprising superpowers in mother’s milk that you will be interested to know.
Breastmilk Rise the Mother and Baby Bond

A mother and a baby, Credits: pixabay
Breastfeeding can stimulate mothers and baby’s brain to release a hormone called oxytocin that is responsible for keeping you and your baby happy and secure. It helps stabilize the stress and anxiety levels of a mother.
Also, nursing is found to stimulate a hormone called Cholecystokinin (CCK) in mother and baby. CCK helps mother and baby to feel drowsy and comfortable. Also, this hormone helps babies to consume how much they require and helps prevent “overeating”.
Breastmilk is an Immunity Booster
During breastfeeding, a mother transfer antibodies to her baby which help build the baby’s immune system. The immune cells in breast milk helpsbaby’s develop defenses against various foreign invaders. Breast milk contains endorphin that helps fight pain in the body.
The Composition of Breast Milk Changes Over Time
Almost 200 different components are present in breast milk. Most of the nutrients in breast milk cannot be replicated in any of the formula milk. The components may vary from one feed to another and it is customized based on the needs of your baby.
If a baby is born preterm, the milk contains more fat, protein, and antibodies. As babies grow, the amount of protein may decrease and the levels of other nutrients tend to change. Also, the nutritional and immunological composition of breast milk changes when a baby is sick. Each mother makes the perfect milk for her little one.
Breast Milk Help Premature Babies

A premature baby in an incubator, Credits: pixabay
Babies who were born 33 weeks gestation and were breastfed for at least three-quarters of the time had better brain connectivity than those who did not. Premature babies who were given breast milk in the first month of their life had better growth in certain areas of their brains.
Also, babies who were breastfed in the first 28 days after their birth, had positive impacts on their brain growth and development, which can increase the cognitive abilities and boosts their intelligence.
Protection against SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden death of an infant in their sleep who is in the age group of one month to one year. The exact reason for SIDS is not well established. However, breastfeeding is one of the ways to protect babies from SIDS. Research identified that infants who were breastfed for at least two months had reduced risks of SIDS.
Breastfeeding Prevents Skin Infections

A baby, Credits: pexels
The pH of breastfed babies stool is lower that helps babies develop less diaper rash than others. Also breastfed babies are less likely to develop eczema than babies who are not breastfed.
If a mother has acne, she can apply a bit of breast milk. The lauric acid in breast milk can help treat acne.
Breastfeeding Prevents Obesity
Babies who are breastfed are at a 30% reduced risk of being overweight or obese later in their life. This also has benefits against type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. Scientists believe this is possible because children that were breastfed have larger amounts of good gut bacteria, which might influence fat storage.