What Happens in an Endoscopy?
Endoscopy cost is a procedure where a long, thin tube is inserted directly into the body (usually through the mouth or anus) to observe the internal structures and organs of the body. The procedure is minimally invasive. As a result, an endoscopy will relatively have fewer risks.
It’s detailed nature and quickness has been proven to be very useful in the field of medicine and research.
An endoscopy is used to examine different internal parts of the body. They include:
Ear: Cystoscopy
Respiratory tract: Nasal endoscopy (rhinoscopy), lower respiratory tract (bronchoscopy)
Digestive tract: Esophagus, stomach, bile duct, rectum, anus, and intestine.
Urinary tract: Cystoscopy
Reproductive tract (gynoscopy): Cervix (colposcopy), uterus (hysteroscopy or απόξεση in greek), fallopian tubes (falloposcopy).
Abdominal or pelvic cavity (laparoscopy), interior of a joint (arthroscopy), organs of the chest (thoracoscopy and mediastinoscopy) – They are usually observed by masking a small incision.
Endoscopy cost/charges: Typically, an endoscopy procedure in India will range from 1000-3000 rupees. But endoscopy test price is generally around the 1500 mark.

Credit: Wikimedia commons
Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule endoscopy is also known as wireless endoscopy. The procedure involves the use of a wireless camera that fits in a small capsule which is small enough to be swallowed.
Once swallowed, the camera capsule travels through the digestive tract and it takes thousands of pictures during its journey, which are transmitted to a device attached to a wearable belt.
The main goal of capsule endoscopy is to take images in areas where it is difficult for a traditional endoscopy to reach, especially the small intestinal mucosa.
After 24-48 hours the capsule eventually passed through the digestive system.
Capsule endoscopy cost: It ranges anywhere from 30-75K rupees.
Preparation and Procedure for an Endoscopy
For most types, individuals will need to fast for 12-24 hours prior to the procedure.
A laxative may be administered before a digestive tract endoscopy.
The doctors will examine you to provide further instructions and preparation for the procedure. Thus, it is important to mention your medical condition- if you’ve had a previous procedure or are currently on other medications.

Procedure, Credit: Flickr
Usually, an endoscopy is performed while the patient is conscious since it usually is a non-surgical procedure. However, sometimes the patient will receive a local anesthetic to numb the specific area and an anesthetic spray to the back of the throat.
If the endoscopy involves entry through the mouth, then a mouth guard will be used to protect the teeth and lips and also prevent the mouth from closing. The patient is usually made.
Pain and after-effects: The procedures are not painful but patients may experience extreme discomfort in some cases. People commonly experience indigestion or sore throat after the procedure.

Discomfort after procedure, Credit: pxfuel
Purpose of an Endoscopy
They include:
To search for the cause of severe symptoms like:
Intense vomiting
Abdominal pain
Breathing disorders
Stomach ulcers
Difficulty swallowing
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Confirmation of a diagnosis
Can be used to confirm diseases like cancer or Crohn’s disease.
To directly treat illnesses. They include:
Sealing a bleeding blood vessel
Removal of a polyp
Used in combination with an ultrasound.