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  • Migraine Triggers – Can You Deal with Them?

    A painful and debilitating condition, migraine is one of the leading illnesses that make life unbearable for most people who suffer from it. Migraine attacks are infamous not only for the aching pain that they cause to their sufferers. They are also known for striking out of the blue without any warning. Presently, doctors have not determined any particular cause behind the onset of migraine attacks in certain populations. People who have to face this condition become desperate to know how to cure migraine permanently. While there is no magical cure that will help you to get rid of this condition, there are specific ways by which it can be prevented. Chief among the preventative measures is gaining an awareness of the factors responsible for triggering your migraines. When recognized and dealt with, there are various triggers that can work as a migraine treatment and help you get relief from it. Most Common Migraine Triggers If you want to know how to prevent a migraine when you feel it coming on then just pay attention to the factors that cause your migraines to occur. The most common triggers are: Tension and stress Disturbed sleeping pattern Hormonal fluctuations Excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine Sudden weather changes Food that contains MSG and nitrite Light and smell How Can You Deal with Migraine Triggers 1.   Tension and Stress Woman feeling stressed, Credit: Pixabay Almost 70% of people with migraine deal with stress. It is one of the leading causes of migraine attacks. They need to monitor their daily stress levels to reduce the frequency of these attacks. Constantly worrying about the next migraine episode will exhaust your mind and make you prone to experiencing frequent migraine headaches. Make a list of all your sources of stress and work towards eliminating them from your life. Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, and getting adequate rest can help a lot in lowering your stress levels. 2.   Disturbed Sleeping Pattern Woman feeling depressed, Credit: Pixabay Sleep restores and repairs your body and mind. If your sleep schedule is interrupted or irregular, you are more prone to experiencing migraine attacks. Those who have sleep disorders like insomnia are at a higher risk of experiencing migraines as many such attacks occur between 4 AM to 9 AM. Hence, you should cultivate good sleeping hygiene and give yourself the rest you need. 3.   Hormonal Fluctuations A women checking her blood sugar, Credit: Pixabay Migraine attacks affect more women than men. “Menstrual migraine” is a term denoted to migraine episodes that occur during the time of a woman’s menstrual period. It happens because of the fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen hormone levels. Women can avail of the right treatment plan by referring to a gynecologist. 4.   Excessive Intake of Alcohol and Caffeine A cup of coffee and alcohol, Credit: Pixabay The link between caffeine intake and migraine is still unclear. People who suffer from migraines are divided on caffeine’s effectiveness to treat or worsen their migraine symptoms. Many people feel that the frequency of their attacks increases after consuming caffeine, while others think that coffee can, in fact, stop their migraines. Regarding alcohol, studies show that red wine is the leading trigger of the migraine attack. So you need to limit your alcohol consumption to a minimum. 5.   Sudden Weather Changes Woman fanning herself, Credit: Pixabay There are weather related migraine triggers like storms, excessive heat or very cold temperatures. Dehydration is another common trigger of migraines. It happens in summer when the humidity levels are very high. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and not venture out under the sun too much during summers. 6.   Food That Contain MSG and Nitrite Dairy products, Credit: Pixabay You might want to know what can you eat to prevent migraines. There are many food items like chocolate, artificial sweeteners, and other dairy products that contain MSG and nitrites. They are known to trigger a migraine attack. So avoid them to your best abilities. Also, eliminate or keep to a minimum the intake of those food items that have a strong smell. 7.   Light and Smell Greed light bulb illustration, Credit: Pixabay Bright light and fluorescent light bulbs are the main triggers of migraine attacks. Those who work in an office can avoid them by wearing sunglasses. Avoid sitting close to the sources of flickering or fluorescent light bulbs. In your home,  you can install bulbs that emit green light as it is not known to aggravate migraine symptoms. Avoid coming in contact with strong perfumes, food smells, or chemicals. These are major triggers of migraine. Avoiding the above-mentioned triggers necessitates that you speak up about your condition at your workplace so that everybody knows about it. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and triggers to enable him to prescribe you an appropriate treatment plan. References

  • Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Hypothyroidism

    Many glands in your body secrete hormones which regulate various aspects of your health. The thyroid gland, which is located in the front of the neck produces a very important hormone called thyroxine. This hormone controls your metabolism, development and growth. Any disturbance in its production directly impacts your health. As a fact, more than a million people every year suffer from the uneven production of the thyroxine hormone by the thyroid gland. The condition of hypothyroidism arises when the thyroid gland is unable to produce sufficient quantities of thyroxin. People usually overlook this condition as it’s symptoms are not noticeable in the earlier stages. It makes them ignore the presence of this disorder and later on regret it. What Are Hypothyroidism Causes? A number of factors can contribute to the development of this disease. They are: Autoimmune diseases Reaction to hyperthyroidism treatment Medications After effect of surgery or therapy Deficiency of iodine 1.   Autoimmune Diseases A patient with a doctor, Credit: Pixabay Autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of this disorder. Autoimmune diseases are those diseases in which your immune system attacks itself. A combination of your genetics and environment can trigger this disease and consequently cause your thyroid gland to become underactive. 2.   Reaction to Hyperthyroidism Treatment A person undergoing medical check-up, Credit: Pixabay Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland starts producing excess amounts of thyroxine. Its treatment involves anti-thyroid medications. These medications lower the amount of thyroid hormone and bring it under control. Sometimes, it can result in reducing thyroid production to a great extent, leading to hypothyroidism. 3.   Medications Lithium medicine, Credit: Pixabay Medications like lithium which is used to treat psychiatric disorders, can negatively affect your thyroid gland. It can result in hypothyroidism. Hence, it is essential to discuss with your doctor about the potential effects of this medication if it is prescribed to you. 4.   After Effect of Surgery or Therapy A patient with doctors, Credit: Pixabay Thyroid surgery involves removing a big portion of the thyroid gland. Sometimes it can minimize the production of the thyroxine and cause you to develop hypothyroidism. Radiation therapy that is used as a treatment for various types of cancer can also interfere with the functioning of this gland. 5.   Deficiency of Iodine A tablespoon of salt, Credit: Pixabay One of the essential minerals, for optimal production of the thyroid hormones, is iodine. It is found in salt that is iodised. Many people eliminate salt from their diet. It disturbs the functioning of the thyroid gland. The absence of this mineral causes the thyroid gland to become underactive. What Are Hypothyroidism Symptoms? An exhausted person, Credit: Pixabay The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism consists of the following: Exhaustion Constipation Dry skin Hoarse voice Increased cholesterol levels Mood swings and depression Unexpected weight gain Brittle hair Memory problems Weakness in muscles and joints What Is the Treatment for Hypothyroidism? The most common treatment of this condition involves oral administration of the hypothyroidism medication. Synthetic thyroid hormone called Levothyroxine is given to enable the thyroid gland to restore the normal thyroxine levels in the body. After taking this medication, you should go for regular checkups to ensure that your thyroid gland is working properly. How Can You Protect Yourself from Hypothyroidism? Fruits and vegetables illustration, Credit: Pixabay You can prevent yourself from developing this condition through the following measures: Consume nutritious food. Hypothyroidism diet involves maintaining adequate iodine levels in your diet. Use iodised salt and ensure that your diet is filled with all the crucial vitamins and minerals. A gluten free diet may help prevent autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. You should eat a gluten free diet only after consulting with your doctor. Addition of lots of fruits and vegetables will also aid in your optimal health. Maintain a proper body weight. Don’t consume too many calories. This condition slows down your body’s metabolism. Hypothyroidism weight loss involves consuming a diet which gives you fewer calories than you burn. Don’t overlook the symptoms of hypothyroidism as it is becoming prevalent at an alarming rate. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and seek the help of a doctor if you experience any complication.

  • How to Manage and Treat the Impingement Syndrome?

    Subacromial impingement or the Impingement Syndrome is an injury or damage to the muscles lying between the shoulder area and bones. Noone is immune to this condition but it is more prevalent in certain sections of the population like the elderly and the active adults. The impingement occurs as a result of the rotator cuff tendons being inflamed or irritated as they pass through the subacromial space. It results in pain and weakness as well as a reduced range of motion of the shoulder. Those who suffer from this condition mainly experience pain while extending their hands and reaching behind their back, raising their arm overhead, and forward. The pain also hampers the quality of sleep at night. Thus, it becomes necessary for patients to find out how to get rid of shoulder impingement pain. The right diagnosis and assessment will help you uncover the extent of your injury so that you can avail the correct line of treatment. How Does Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Feel Like? A man experiencing pain in the shoulder, Credit: Pixabay Patients suffering from this condition might have to experience the following: A sharp pain when you try to extend your arm behind your back. Pain on straightening the arms overhead. A feeling of weakness in the shoulder joint. Progressive pain in the front and side of the shoulder. How Is the Impingement Syndrome Diagnosed? Shoulder impingement is a part of a broad category of shoulder pain conditions. The right diagnosis will help you determine how to get rid of shoulder impingement syndrome. Two major examinations are done to diagnose the patient with this condition. They are: Neers Impingement test Hawkins test MRI test 1.   Neers Impingement Test In this test, the arm of the patient is rotated and flexed by the medical professional. If the patient complains of pain, then the impingement test is said to be positive. 2.   Hawkins Test In this test, the shoulder and the elbow are kept at an angle of 90 degrees. The medical professional rotates the arm. If the patient complains of pain, then the test is said to be positive. 3.   MRI Test MRI imaging of the affected shoulder is also used as a diagnostic tool to determine the presence of impingement syndrome. How to Get Rid of Shoulder Impingement Pain? There are many kinds of treatments that are used to treat the impingement syndrome. Some of the most common and effective ones are: Use of ice packs Anti-inflammatory medications Physical therapy 1.   Use of Ice Packs Person applying ice packs, Credit: Pixabay In this treatment ice packs are applied for around 20 minutes on the affected shoulder. These ice packs can be applied once or twice a day. If you don’t have ice ready, then you can also use a bag of frozen corn or peas for the same purpose. 2.   Anti-inflammatory Medications ibuprofen medication. Credit: Pixabay over-the-counter pain relief medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can be used for mild cases. If your pain is more sever, your doctor may prescribe you a stronger medicine. 3.   Physical Therapy A physical therapist with a patient, Credit: Pixabay It is one of the most effective treatment for impingement syndrome. Here, a series of exercises are performed under the guidance of a physical therapist. Patient can learn the exercises and can perform them at home. In severe cases, the doctor may administer cortisone injection to the patient. It is also recommended to patients suffering from shoulder impingement not to do those activities which require overhead movement of the shoulder joint. In cases where the rotator cuff is torn, a surgery is the only option. Hence, it is necessary for you to identify this syndrome at the initial stages. You should reach out for help the moment you start experiencing persistent pain during various shoulder movements. If you ignore treatment, the chances of the condition developing into a major complication becomes higher.

  • What Are the Long Term Side-Effects of Head Concussions?

    Approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from traumatic brain injuries. Of them, concussions are the most common ones. Simply put, a brain concussion is a traumatic blow to the head which damages the internal structure of the brain. It, in turn results in altered brain functioning as the damage brings about several physical and chemical changes in the brain. A head concussion is most common in sports like basketball and football. It can also be caused by a steep fall, and by other vehicular accidents. A peculiar thing about concussions is that during MRI or CT scans no information about the head injuries, or abnormalities can be gleaned. The long term symptoms that the sufferer faces is later on attributed to the concussion. What Are the Short Term Effects of Brain Concussion Woman experiencing headache, Credit: Pixabay Short term effects are mainly concussion symptoms that people experience. They are very subtle in nature and alter over a period of time. Children and adults may experience the following symptoms for a week or two weeks after sustaining a blow. Headache Loss of consciousness Tiredness and dizziness Blurred vision nausea Long Term Effects of Multiple Concussions Man unable to concentrate at work, Credit: Pixabay The long term symptoms and side-effects of multiple concussions are the same as that of a single concussion. The difference lies in the duration that the symptoms take to resolve. It might take longer for multiple concussion sufferers to deal completely from their injuries. The long term side-effects of concussions are: Finding difficulty in concentrating on a task. Problems with memory. Irritability, mood swings, and other personality changes. Extreme photosensitivity and sensitivity to noise. Trouble sleeping. Depression, anger, and other problems that are psychological in nature. Smell and taste alterations. These long term effects can make it difficult for the sufferers to perform optimally in their daily lives. It can also lead to relationship issues alongside. Neglecting to treat the concussion or suffering multiple concussion as a result of the first one can worsen the condition of the individual. What Is Post Concussion Syndrome? Woman experiencing fatigue and anxiety, Credit: Pixabay Usually, the symptoms of concussion resolve within a week. However, when people keep experiencing the symptoms many days afterward, that’s when they are said to be suffering from post concussion syndrome. It has not been found by the medical professionals why the symptoms of some head concussion sufferers do not abate months, or sometimes even years later. Some of the common post concussion syndrome symptoms years later are: Frequent headaches Feeling disoriented from time to time Extreme fatigue A constant sound of ringing in the ears Tendency to get irritated often Feeling of anxiety Trouble sleeping or insomnia Lack of concentration and focus Trouble recalling or loss of memory Blurred vision Extreme sensitivity to noise and light Some may experience a partial loss of smell and taste, although it is rare Post concussion syndrome is rare. Not many people experience it. Close to about 20 percent of people have to deal with this condition in their lives. You need to give yourself plenty of time to heal properly from this brain damage. Otherwise you run the risk of hampering your cognitive functions. If you or anyone that you know have suffered from a concussion, it is essential to take adequate rest to heal properly. At the same time, the significance of a nutritious diet that is rich in proteins and fats to restore your brain also cannot be overlooked. It would help your brain to heal to a great extent. Contrary to what many may believe, concussions are happening at an alarming rate all over the world with children facing them more often. Its leading cause is a fall. After all that is said and done, concussion is still a type of injury to the brain and should not be taken lightly.

  • Five Best Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain

    Lower back pain is one of the most discomforting things that anyone can experience. It, apart from greatly hindering your daily functioning, also affects your ability to rest. We all know how good quality sleep is essential to our overall health. But when you’re suffering from such kinds of pain, it can be challenging to get adequate rest. Lower back and neck pain are common symptoms of degenerative disc disease. The pain can become chronic as the discs continue to degenerate. Naturally, a common question that people suffering from this condition ask is ‘how should you sleep when you have degenerative disc disease?’ contrary to what you believe, there are some ways by which you can manage the pain, particularly at night. What Is Degenerative Disc Disease? Diagram representing the spinal cord, Credit: Pixabay 33 vertebrae make up your spine. Each vertebra is separated by a disc made of cartilage. These discs consist of 88% water. They are continuously losing and gaining fluid throughout the day. As these discs shrink with age, their ability to replace water at night time decreases. With age, they lose more water and become dry. Sometimes, they begin to crack and tear. Through these cracks, their inner material spills out, thus irritating the surrounding nerves. Its immediate effect is pain felt in various parts of your body. Degenerative disc disease neck or cervical degenerative disc disease comes about as a result of this process. Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain First, Sleeping in a fetal position Sleeping on your side And, Sleeping in a reclined position Sleeping on your stomach Finally, Sleeping with a pillow supporting your knees Sleeping in a Fetal Position Woman sleeping in fetal position, Credit: Pixabay A curled posture is called a fetal position. Press your knees against your chest to prevent your spine from bending. A pillow should be placed underneath your head and neck region. It will prevent these parts from hurting. Sleeping on Your Side Man sleeping on his side, Credit: Pixabay When you sleep on your side, it makes your spine stretch. It also relaxes your muscles and removes any chances of them being strained. Place a pillow between your knees when you’re sleeping on your side. It will correct the alignment of spine and hips. Sleeping in a Reclined Position Woman sleeping in a reclined posture, Credit: Pixabay You can get relief from upper and lower backaches while resting in a reclined position. Reclined position causes the creation of space between your back and thighs. Thus, it eliminates all the strain from your spine. Sleeping on Your Stomach Woman sleeping on stomach, Credit: Pixabay It is one of the extremely comfortable position that people find when they’re dealing with back pain. You can put a pillow under you’re lower ab and pelvis area to eliminate the pressure on your back. It will give you immediate relief from pain. Sleeping with a Pillow Supporting Your Knees Woman sleeping with pillow support, Credit: Pixabay Lie on your back and place a pillow under your knees. Lying on your back evenly distributes the weight throughout your body. It improves the structure and alignment of your entire back, thus reducing the chances of you experiencing any muscle aches and pains. Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment A disc x-ray from various angles, Credit: Pixabay Patients suffering from this condition want to know what is the best treatment for degenerative disc disease. But there is no single treatment that can benefit everyone equally. Procedures like occupational therapies, physical therapies, exercises, and medications are used to help people manage this condition. Non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen also help alleviate the pain. A doctor can prescribe some other intensive treatments if you find it increasingly difficult to deal with the pain. At the same time, try experimenting with the sleeping positions mentioned above. Choose the one that suits and gives you the most relief. Alternatively, you can choose to wear a corset or a back support brace that will help you to combat the pain.

  • Is Mixing Alcohol And Benadryl A Good Idea?

    An antihistamine to fight allergy symptoms is Benadryl or diphenhydramine. This is often prescribed to treat cough, watery eyes, runny nose etc. It acts on the central nervous system and alcohol also. Usually it is best to avoid taking two medicines together as drug interactions can be unpredictable, as one medicine may highlight the effect of the other. It is also advisable not to take alcohol along with the medicines as alcohol also acts on the nervous system.  When both benadryl and alcohol are taken together then it can result in fatality. Benadryl is easily available in the chemists and markets and is often reached out in case of cold and allergies. You may think it is all safe and easy to consume it. but it comes with its own set of side effects which you should be wary of. Risks of mixing Benadryl and alcohol together Alcohol Sleep feeling antihistamines are known to make the person very sleepy and drowsy. If taken along with alcohol then the effects like drowsiness, slow reactions, decreased cognition and coordination are magnified. If the person drives a vehicle or any sharp tool then it can be extremely life threatening. Consciousness can be impaired It is only because of consciousness that we are able to be alert and can take out decisions in a sensible way. When Benadryl and alcohol are mixed together then consciousness can be altered and diminished. This can bar us from thinking sensibly. It can also lead to trauma or accidents. The overall sensibility of the individual goes for a toss. Intense dehydration alcohol causes our body to become dehydrated and we often feel very thirsty. Benadryl also dehydrates, so if taken together then extreme levels of dehydration occur. It can also diminish the cognitive abilities. Very dangerous for the elderly Due to increasing age, our bodies cannot digest alcohol very fast. So alcohol stays inside the body for long. So if Benadryl is consumed along then this can pose as a greater risk for the old people. N elderly patient might feel more damage if Benadryl and alcohol are mixed together. cognitive and memory function are impaired Alcohol is known to decrease our learning capacity and impair our memory. So if Benadryl and alcohol are combined then brain functioning and memory can be impaired. It hinders our abilities to think and make our choices. Interactions with other drugs if Benadryl is combined with other medicines or antihistamines then it can result in increasing the side effects caused by Benadryl. A list of such medicines which may react with Benadryl and should not be taken with Benadryl are antihistamines, sedative medicines, medicines for ulcer, cough and cold medicine, drugs for depression. Consuming cough syrups which contain alcohol Consuming even very small amount of alcohol with Benadryl can increase its risks and side effects. So try to avoid taking cough syrups along with Benadryl. Females could be more affected this combination of alcohol and Benadryl could affect the women more than men. As women tend to have less water in the body to dissolve alcohol in it. so the same amount of alcohol is more concentrated for women than it is for men. So even if less amount of alcohol along with Benadryl is taken by a female then it can be very dangerous for them. This combination can be misused since Benadryl and alcohol will cause sleepiness, drowsiness, someone can actually give this to put you to sleep, if they want to harm you in anyway. Dementia studies have reported that combining alcohol and Benadryl can cause dementia or feeling of being crazy and lost. But still more evidence is needed in this regard. Specially the elderly might feel dizzy and confused, and lot of alcohol could damage the cognitive ability and impair the decision making of the individual. Some of the side effects of Benadryl are drowsiness, nervousness, confusion, dizziness, balance loss, mood swings, feeling sleepy, eyes become dry, nausea or vomiting, gait is not steady.

  • PCOD Diet And Weight Loss: How To Eat And Exercise When You Have PCOD

    Polycystic ovarian disease arises due to hormonal imbalance and disturbed metabolism in the body.  Women suffering from this should maintain a good insulin level in the body. Obesity and abdominal obesity also worsen the clinical features of menstrual irregularity and infertility and are correlated with increased serum androgens and luteinising hormone (LH). Mechanisms implicated in the aetiology of insulin resistance include elevated levels of: (i) plasma free fatty acids (FFA); (ii) cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and interleukin-6 (IL-6); (iii) leptin; (iv) resistin; and (v) the peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-gamma (PPARg).12,13 Insulin resistance is affected strongly by obesity and abdominal obesity in obese subjects with and without PCOS. Obesity is implicated in insulin resistance through the release of FFA from adipocytes, in particular the abdominal Cause of PCOD Genetic causes Insulin resistance Hormonal imbalance PCOD diet weight loss Fit women In PCOS, therapeutic use of insulin-sensitising agents normalises hyperinsulinaemia and hyperandrogenism. The current Australian NHMRC Clinical Guidelines for Weight Control and Obesity Management in Adults additionally recommend a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet for weight management. The term ‘high-protein (HP) diet’ will refer to a moderate-protein, moderatecarbohydrate diet (approximately 30% protein, 40% carbohydrate, 30% fat) and the term ‘low-protein (LP) diet’ will refer to a low-fat, high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet (15% protein, 55% carbohydrate, 30% fat). This is distinct from a moderateprotein, severely carbohydrate-restricted diet (less than 10–15% daily energy or 25 g from carbohydrate), which is typically high in dietary fat and promotes ketosis. HP diets could have potentially detrimental effects on bone metabolism. Increasing dietary protein (with fixed calcium and phosphorus intake) is associated with increased renal calcium excretion and bone resorption in acute studies, proposed to be due to an increased acid load on the bone. However, no difference in markers of bone turnover and calcium excretion was observed in short-term dietary intervention studies. There is also concern that increasing dietary protein might impair kidney function by promoting renal hyperfiltration, which was observed acutely in short-term dietary intervention studies. This indicates that increasing dietary protein might aid in augmenting weight loss and normalising hyperlipidaemia, insulin resistance and postprandial hyperglycaemia. Ultimately, weight loss will result from a decrease in energy intake or increase in energy expenditure. Although inconclusive, evidence suggests that increasing dietary protein might aid in this through its thermogenic and satiating effects and demonstrated ad libitum reduction of energy intake. This is an important dietetic strategy in facilitating weight loss and increasing dietary compliance, and could be of particular benefit in maintaining a reduced weight in a long-term free living situation. The potentially detrimental effects of a high-carbohydrate diet might also be minimized through modifying the source of dietary carbohydrate, achieved practically through changing the glycaemic index of the carbohydrate and chemical composition. A low glycemic index diet: foods which are low on glycemic index are digested slowly and they don’t cause the insulin to spike quickly like foods such as carbohydrates. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods: fish, green vegetables, olive oil etc. should be included. Foods that should be included in a PCOD diet vegetables for pcod diet Natural organic food Fibrous foods Green leafy vegetables Berries Lentils Healthy fats Nuts like almonds, walnuts Fruits low on GI like banana What should not eat in Pcod? not to eat in Pcod Processed foods and carbohydrates Soda, sugary drinks Red meat like pork, steak Junk or fried foods PCOD indian diet plan In the morning have vegetable juice or methi seeds and water. For breakfast have eggs/vegetable cheela. Have a bowl of fruits as mid morning snack. For lunch have jowar/bajra roti, vegetable/sabzi, salad. In the evening you can have tea/coffee. Have your dinner early and can have roti plus dal or khichdi. How can PCOD patients lose weight? Fit Women Reduce the intake of carbohydrates Exercise regularly: do cardio at least thrice a week. Weight training can also be done. Reduce your stress levels: follow meditation and mindfulness technique and keep yourself calm and relaxed Get proper sleep and rest Eat a lot of fibre to aid in a faster metabolic rate. Fibre regulate your bowel movements and keep you feeling full for long. This decreases your appetite and you can loose weight faster. Increase the intake of protein: proteins keep you fuller for long and don’t spike your blood sugar levels. body takes longer to digest and break proteins, thus more calories are burnt in doing so. You can choose from eggs, nuts, fish. Eat fats that are healthy like avocado, olive oil, nuts. Studies have shown that good fat intake can help loose body fat. Drink water before having meals to reduce dietary intake of food It is generally accepted that obesity is a health hazard because of the association with type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia and increased risk factors for coronary heart disease. The addition of factors such as polycystic ovary syndrome and increased waist circumference magnify the risk to the woman and add the reproductive consequences to obesity-related risks. The following principles should apply to dietary management of the woman with PCOS: † Patient education. Attention should be given to lifestyle issues before there is any use of drugs such as clomiphene citrate or gonadotrophins. The woman should have a dietary interview, commence an exercise programme, address stress-related issues and cease smoking. † Emphasis on fitness and healthy living rather than on weight reduction. The emphasis should not be on weight or BMI reduction but on reducing central adiposity and improving metabolic fitness. Waist circumference is the best physical marker of progress and reduction of insulin resistance will follow. Ability to improve exercise tolerance will also indicate progress. Obesity should be defined beyond consideration of weight and cosmetic appearance. † Long-term weight control. This should be the aim and it is not going to be achieved by short-term, very-low-calorie diets. Gradual weight loss through sensible eating strategies is the recommended approach to sustained weight loss and improved metabolic fitness. Programmes for women with PCOS should incorporate education, exercise and ongoing attention to altered eating patterns. † Reduced calorie diets are more important than dietary composition. There is no evidence yet to suggest that high-protein, near-ketotic diets achieve anything better than the recommended high-carbohydrate approach. † Checks for metabolic disorders at the start and at regular intervals. Regular screening of glucose tolerance, lipids and blood pressure should be mandatory for all women with PCOS, particularly for those with central adiposity with a BMI over 30. † Psychological advice. A group of women can be created who wish to create a change in their lifestyle and are willing to improve their lives. REFERENCES

  • Moong Dal Benefits & How To Include It In Your Diet (With Recipes)

    Moong dal can be a yellow or green gram lentil, commonly eaten lentil all across India. It is very healthy and benefits us in many different ways. Moong dal has a lot of important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron etc. lentils are a great form of putting protein in your body for vegetarians. Some of its health benefits include moong dal Aids in weight loss: Moong dal is high in protein and low in calories. This will keep you full and satisfied for a long duration. As a result, your appetite will reduce and your weight will drop. Improves metabolism and digestion: Moong dal is loaded with fibres and cleanses up your body from within and stimulates the metabolism. It is good for the heart: Moong dal can regulate the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. Blood sugar regulator: it is a good option for people with diabetes and should be a part of your diet. When you eat this, the blood sugar levels do not spike immediately. It is filled with fibres and regulates digestion as well. Effective against cancer: Moong dal can scavenge the harmful free radicals and is beneficial in  life threatening diseases like cancer etc. Active against microorganisms like bacteria and fungus Regulates blood circulation in the body: It help in stimulation of red blood cells that boost the oxygen supply to the organs. Moong dal is filled with healthy nutrients: This has many vitamins like b complex. Contains complex carbohydrates. Fibre levels are also high. Our muscles need proteins to function well and this dal has loads of it. This is specially good for the vegetarians out there. Protein also helps in building up new tissues and repairing the old ones. Cartilage, skin, and bone are benefitted from it. Very versatile and can be eaten in any form: Be it sprouts, dessert or savory items, this dal can be a part of any and almost every recipe. Great option for vegetarians: This can be easily replaced by non veg food since it os a good source of protein. Good for pregnancy: it is healthy for women who are pregnant as it has many healthy nutrients like vitamins, minerals. Pregnant women need good nutrition for the healthy growth and development of their child. Moong dal nutrition There are two types of moong dal – yellow and green. The green can be split one or with skin. Both are good and nutritious. Both contain good amounts of protein and fibres. They are low on carbohydrates. Filled with vitamins and minerals, both essential and tract minerals. But if you want to know which moong dal is the best then split moong dal wins hands down and has most amount of protein. Moong dal sprouts moong dal Clean the moong dal thoroughly and soak them throughout the night. On the next day, wash with water and drain the water. The seeds will look a bit swollen. Damp with dab the seeds with a clean cloth and keep them in a dark, dark place. After a few days you will find that the sprouts have risen from it. you can store this in a fridge for few days. Add some chopped onion, tomato, salt, pepper, chilli to it to make it as a salad or a mid-morning snack. Add a dash of lemon to enhance the taste. Some people like to eat them in the breakfast as well. But be sure that they are not raw, specially if a pregnant woman is consuming it. Some of the recipe that can be prepared by moong dal moong dal in bowl The very tasty and famous halwa made of moong dal It is a great dessert and can be made low in calories if sugar is replaced with jaggery. So what all you will need? Take 2 cups of milk, cardamom powder, jaggery as per how much sweetness you like, 2 tablespoons of good quality ghee, around a cup of soaked moong dal. Choose the dry fruits which you like cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts etc. Method: you may soak the moong dal in water for few hours. Drain out the water and roast the dal until light brown. Be careful as it might get burnt if no precaution is taken. then grind it in the mixer grinder to obtain a fine and smooth mix.  Take ghee in a pan and warm it. then add the powder to it. Roast it until a good smell comes. Now you can slowly start adding milk to it. but keep stirring continuously so that there are no lumps formed. Cook it well. Add the sugar or jaggery to it for a few minutes. Add dry fruits or cardamom powder to it. For a yummy savoury treat try moong dal and paneer and enjoy it with a toast if you eat eggs then substitute paneer with eggs. To make this take moong dal which is soaked in water and grind it to make a paste. Then, to this mixture add mashed paneer to it. cut around half an onion, tomato, chillies, coriander leaves. To this add all the indian spices like garam masala, chilli powder, black pepper, salt etc. whatever suits your taste. Take slices of your favorite bread and put it on a hot pan. Add ghee over the bread on one side. On the other side add the mixture prepared in how much quantity you like and then place the other bread on top of it. then reverse and toast it. serve it with ketchup or mint chutney. Make a moong dal soup which will keep you warm in winters It is very simple and all you need is mong dal, salt, and oil. This soup is full of protein and is very simple to prepare. You should make this in a cooker. Add water and the moong dal inside the cooker. Cut up some onions in it and add salt as per taste. Give it some whistles and it is ready. An ideal breakfast option is the Moong Dal Chilla for this you need soaked moong dal, onions and tomato. Grind the soaked moong dal with salt in a grinder and grind until you obtain a smooth paste. You can add water to this mixture which will help you spread it on the tawa or a hot pan. Also, You may add the chopped onions and tomatoes, salt, chilli powder, and mix all ingredients well. You may taste it and check if it is ok or not or something has to be added to it. Heat up the pan and spread oil on it. pour the batter that you have prepared on it and spread it uniformly like you would do for a dosa. If you feel one side is brown and cooked then add some oil again and give it a flip carefully. You may want to add a stuffing of protein inside the chila. Flip it and repeat until it is cooked. Serve along with a dip or chutney of your taste. Moong dal dosa The method to prepare a dosa or chila is the same. The only difference is that you need to cool the tawa with water to lower the temperature of the tawa to prevent the batter from sticking. You may spread the batter evenly and can even make the mixture more liquid than the chilla. The best and lightest meal consisting of moong dal khichdi For this take equal quantity of moong dal and rice. Soak both in water for a few hours. Now drain the water and add ghee to the pressure cooker. Then add the soaked dal and rice along with double water in it. Then you can add salt, chilli, haldi, etc. as per your taste and close the cooker and let it cook for a few minutes. Moong dal idli This is another yummy yet a simple dish to make. Prepare the batter the same way like you did for chilla. You can add eno or fruit salt to it to make the idli fluffy. You may also temper mustard seeds, urad dal and onions in oil with spices and add it to the idli batter. Pour the batter to a idli maker which should be greased for easy removal of the idlis. You may steam it or even can put it in the microwave. REFERENCES

  • Sheehan Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment And Prognosis

    Sheehan syndrome is also known as post-partum hypopituitarism , caused by adenohypophysis infarction, which is triggered by excessive blood loss during childbirth. Sheehan syndrome, an endocrine disease, was first reported in 1937 by the English pathologist Harold Leeming. It mostly happens in developing countries where the medical facilities are not upto the mark. It is not very common in developed nations. Sheehan on the basis of autopsy findings in patients with post-partum pituitary necrosis. Post-partum massive hemorrhage is one of the causes of ischemia-induced pituitary dysfunction secondary to the arrest of blood flow to the adenohypophysis. Necrotized areas of the adenohypophysis undergo organization, form a fibrous scar leading to time-dependent atrophic change of the pituitary gland resulting in empty sella turcica, the lodging bed of pituitary gland, which can be clinically detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Clinically, women with Sheehan syndrome exhibited dysfunction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland with the manifestation of obstetrical shock accompanied by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) during delivery. When the endicrine functioning is affected , then either one hormone or all hormones can be affected which get secreted by cells of adenohypophysis. But the clinical features will depend on patient’s age, how was it starts, the aetiology behind the whole pathology, and how many cells of the adenohypophysis are affected. Functional impairment occasionally extended to the posterior lobe of the pituitary. While the incidence is low, being 1 in 10 000 deliveries, it is a serious disease, and its pathological factors largely remain unclear. It is a hazardous disease that may not only impair the quality of life of women but also may threaten life if left untreated. Mild hypopituitarism can remain undetected for years but complete loss of adenohypophysis function requires immediate treatment. Therefore, careful follow-up intervention for early diagnosis and proper management of patients with Sheehan syndrome is mandatory. However, information on the suitable clinical factors related to the occurrence of Sheehan syndrome is scant. Sheehan syndrome is a permanent secretion disorder of all pituitary anterior lobe hormones caused by extensive pituitary necrosis secondary to obstetrical shock accompanied by DIC following massive hemorrhage during delivery. No pituitary dysfunction develops if approximately 50% of the normal pituitary gland remains intact, but partial or panhypopituitarism is reported to occur if 70–90% of the pituitary gland is necrosed. Depending on the site and size of the necrosed area of the pituitary gland, the disease varies from panhypopituitarism (Sheehan syndrome), in which the secretion of all gonadal, thyroid and adrenocortical hormones is reduced, to partial hypopituitarism, in which the secretion of two or more hormones is reduced, and to single-hormone hypopituitarism, in which the secretion of only one hormone is reduced. Sheehan syndrome is a rare but irreversible and serious disorder. When most pregnant women, who suffer massive hemorrhage or shock during delivery, survive and are rehabilitated, some patients are considered to have one-hormone hypopituitarism rather than panhypopituitarism such as typical Sheehan syndrome. However, publications on obstetrical predictive factors targeting early identification or diagnosis of this debilitating disease are still inadequate. With strict prospective follow-up, here we demonstrated for the first time some subjective, hematological, hormonal and MRI imaging parameters which may be suitable in clinical practice to isolate and for early diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome in groups of women with massive post-partum hemorrhage. In addition to subjective findings of insufficient or no milk secretion and breast atrophy, our current findings of decreased consciousness level and elevated obstetrical DIC score in women with massive post-partum hemorrhage may give us some additional clues in the isolation and early diagnosis of cases with Sheehan syndrome. Further study on this issue is necessary to strengthen our current findings. Considering future quality of life, early diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome based on our clinical findings is important for proper management of these patients by mutual collaboration and discussion between obstetrical doctors and doctors from internal medicine. Basal cortisol and ACTH level may be an important parameter in decision-making for cortisol treatment in order to normalize ACTH level in cases with Sheehan syndrome. Furthermore, careful attention and strict follow-up are mandatory for any women with massive past-partum hemorrhage in order to identify cases with Sheehan syndrome. If the ADH or anti-diuretic hormone is suppressed then decrease sodium levels or hyponatremia could occur due to less cortisol production. A study was done by sert et al, wherein sodium levels, consciousness were gauged and MRI and CT scan of pituitary was done. They reported that a relation between less sodium levels and sells was there and the patients had altered consciousness and confusion. In a few cases, abnormalities such as an empty sella were noted in all patients in the Sheehan group by pituitary MRI. It has been reported that deficiency of milk secretion is a frequent initial symptom of Sheehan syndrome, and that symptoms such as breast atrophy, sense of fatigue, loss of pubic and axillary hair, continuation of amenorrhea, hypothyroidism and hypoadrenalism are observed for several months to a few years. Together with insufficient gonadotropin secretion, subsequent onset of breast atrophy and loss of pubic and axillary hair may be considered as an early indication of Sheehan syndrome Symptoms of Sheehan syndrome Sheehan syndrome Excessively low pressure of the blood, a lot of blood loss during childbirth could deprive oxygen in the body. The lack of oxygen severely impacts the body and damages the pituitary gland, thus giving rise to Sheehan syndrome. The pituitary gland is the most commonly affected and as a result not enough pituitary hormones are produced in the body leading to what is known as hypopituitarism. If the medical care during pregnancy is good and the conditions are favourable then it can be avoided. Symptoms of this syndrome don’t appear immediately. They appear slowly over a few years. These occur due to the presence of few hormones in pituitary gland. Unable to breast-feed Problem with periods Gain of weight Decreased blood sugar and pressure Tiredness Irregularity in heartbeats These symptoms might seem normal to you, specially for new mothers. Women might not realise they are suffering from it until a thyroid related problem arises. This can also be the case that you don’t have any symptoms at all. Women might not realise this in their entire life. Your pituitary gland is not functioning well, this you may not notice ever. But in cases of extreme stress or surgery where in not enough amounts of cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands. Causes of Sheehan syndrome Doctor Instruments If there is excessive blood loss or the blood pressure of w woman is very low during or after delivery then it might also damage the pituitary gland , so much so that it cannot function well. Pituitary glands regulate the other hormones and the overall endocrinal system of the body. It can alter the hormones which are responsible for blood pressure, milk production  and other vital functions. Various hormones are Growth hormone, Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) which controls cortisol production. Prolactin which produces breast milk. Risk factors Blood loss or haemorrhage during pregnancy can be very damaging  and can pose a risk for Sheehan syndrome. Complications If hormones are not produced properly then many functions get impacted. Very less cortisol is produced Blood pressure is decreased Menstrual issues Loss of weight How is it diagnosed? It is difficult to diagnose it only by symptoms as they might overlap and can be easily confused with other diseases. A detailed history has to be provided by you to the concerned doctor. A few tests can also be done. Blood test can check the hormonal levels in the body. Pituitary test to check if the pituitary gland is functioning well or not. MRI or CT scan can be done to diagnose any tumor present in any of the glands. Treatment for Sheehan syndrome Human Brain You have to take the hormonal supplements for whichever hormone that is affected. You may see an endocrinologist for this as they specialise in this field. Regular blood tests have to be done to keep a tab on the hormones. Corticosteroids, estrogen, LH, FSH which are responsible for ovuation and can help you get pregnant. Growth hormone which helps to helps you grow Prevention of Sheehan syndrome Avoidance of blood loss during childbirth and a good medical facility and care is very important to prevent this.

  • Gut Bacteria: Interesting Information Everyone Should Know

    The most common life-forms on the earth are bacteria. They can be detected from the Antarctic Glaciers, hydrothermal winding, to inside the bowel, in most environments. They don’t hurt us most Many of these species are also very necessary for our life. Bacteria are essential for the regeneration of nutrients in the ecosystem and help many animals digest food as gut bacteria. They are also used to manufacture everything from food, electricity, and clean water in biotechnology applications. The benefits of ASUN dietary fiber in good digestion ASUN dietary fiber or Udrensningskur contains a mixture of lactic acid bacteria, which not only regulates intestinal function, improves mood, but also makes it easier to get rid of extra kilograms. The good bacteria in the ASUN fiber blend remain active for a long time, which ensures good digestive function for a long time. Facts About Your Gut Bacteria 1. Your intestinal bacteria inform your immune system regularly what it is Bacteria will send signals and vice versa to our intestines. This “crosstalk,” according to Grinspan, will make the body changes depending on what is happening in this biome. “In particular, in reaction to gut bacterial changes in the intestine, our immune system can raise or decrease those factors,” he says. 2. These gut bacteria have a significant impact on your body, from intestinal problems, mood, obesity, cancer, and maybe even more In the intestines, the bacteria influence when we are developing intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases or infectious colitis, according to Kirsten Tillisch, MD., head of integrative medicine at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center — they may also decide whether or not other illnesses will arise out of the stomach. “The form of bacteria living in the intestines will affect obesity, cancer, anxiety, and depression,” she adds. 3. The microbiome of your gut constantly changes, helping your body understand what’s going on and how to react to it When we actively consume food, gut bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, and parasites from the outside world, the collection in the intestines is essentially an aggregation of the recent experience. Like the daily exploits’ intestinal scrapbook. “There are interactions between these compounds and the bowel lining, which is lined with immune cells,” Grinspan says. Wrapping Up In and on your own body, you have good bacteria. Were you aware that you have ten times more bacterial cells than human cells in your body? The bacteria are often present in your digestive system. They help digests, such as certain sugars and stuff called short-chain fatty acids, that the human body is unable to break down.

  • Eales Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    The disease of Eales is an idiopathic vasculopathy involving the retinal peripheral. This is an unusual ophthalmic disease with three levels of vasculitis, Occlusion and RN. Henry Eales identified it in 1880 for the first time in stable young men who had an irregular retinal vein and recurrent vitreal hemorrhages. Eales Disease occurs in the retinal area as inflammation and white haze. The disease is most common in young males and usually affects both eyes. In this condition, the clear jelly that fills the eyeball behind the lens of the eye seeps out, and hence vision is suddenly blurred. Epidemiology The prevalence is unknown. Though the condition has been recorded worldwide it is most widely found in the Indian subcontinent where the approximate annual occurrence is 1/135-1/200 ophthalmic patients. Of late, the disease incidence appears to be reducing. The age of onset is 20 to 30 years. Signs and Symptoms of Eales Disease Bleeding of the sclera, Credits: canva The narrow external veins of the retina undergo sheathing at the initiation of the disease. The inflammation in the eye spreads farther behind the lens as the condition progresses. Retinopathy and extensive retina bleeding are the most advanced phases of Eales disease. The retina gets detached in rare situations. The iris can also be seen with reddish discoloration, vision loss and optical disk effect. Causes free radicals, Credits: canva The exact causes of the disease are not determined. Several experiments have predicted the function of human leukocyte antigen, the retinal S-Antigen autoimmunity, the mycobacterium tuberculosis genome, free radical disruption and the pathogenic effect in Eales disease. There have been reports of an improvement in peptide growth factors such as a growth factor in platelets, insulin-like growth factors, a growth factor epidermal, alpha and beta converting growth factors, a vascular endothelial growth factor, urokinase, enzymes of metalloprotease, and an 88kDa protein. Diagnostic Methods An eye examination, Credits: canva Early changes, such as periphlebitis, vascular sheathing, or peripheral nonperfusion, are recognized by fluorescein angiography fundus (FFA). The peripheral lesions in the retina are detected via widefield angiography. To rule out the associated retinal detachment, ultrasonography is needed. Ocular coherence tomography (OCT) is used for high-resolution imaging of the retina. Treatment of Eales Disease Anti-oxidants, Credits: canva Symptomatic and supportive therapy is provided for Eales disease. Eales disease management depends on the level of the disease. Periodic assessment, steroids, and antitubercular drugs are used in the management of the disease. Antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E have been recommended as potential treatment for vitreous samples in patients with the disease of Eales. Intravitreal bevacizumab injections have been confirmed to lead to regression of the Eales-related neovascularization. Laser panretinal photocoagulation is used to reduce blood deficiency caused by blood vessel constraint and to decrease abnormal blood vessel tissue formation. In non-resolving vitreous bleeding (usually > 3 months), vitreous surgery is suggested. The definitive treatment for Eales Disease is being investigated currently intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy. Prognosis ED blindness is uncommon. No documented disease-related mortality is found.

  • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12): Magical Drug for Back Pain and Fatigue

    Vitamin B12 is regarded as a painkilling vitamin in some countries. Vitamin B12’s important roles include helping the brain or the nervous system to work as well as blood formation. For various methods, such as DNA synthesis and regulations, fatty acid synthesis, and energy generation, vitamin B12 is also essential. Vitamin B12, like cyanocobalamine (CNCbl), methylate (meclbl), oxylate (OHCbl) and adenosylcobalamine, have some analogs Vitamin B12 contains (AdoCbl). Vitamin B12 cannot be specifically used inside the human body and must be converted into active shapes such as MeCbl or AdoCbl. Dietary lack in cobalamin triggers many severe health issues such as blood failure, depression, irritability and a psychosis. Long-term vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to hyperhomocysteinemia and heart disease. Methylcobalamine is considered efficient in comparison with other analogs since it is absorbed by neurons subcellular organelles. Hence, MeCbl may be a better option to treat nervous disorders. And vitamin B12 is regarded as an analgesic drug.  Vitamin B12 has neuroprotective actions and is also used for the treatment of pain. Vitamin B12 Supplements A vitamin B12- Food sources, Credits: canva The average adult should get 2.4 micrograms a day. B12 cannot be produced by the body, like other vitamins. Instead, food or supplements is being used. Some of the food sources of vitamin B12 include fish and shellfish, poultry, dairy products, eggs, and fortified cereals. Vitamin B12 supplements are available as Nurokind, Nurokind Plus, Nurokind LC, Nurokind OD, Nurokind Gold, Methylcobalamin, and Mecobalamin. Vitamin B12 for Back Pain A woman suffering from back pain, Credits: canva Back pain is one of the common issues. Low back pain significantly affects the mobility, functioning of daily activities, resulting in considerable economic and societal consequences. The causes of the back pain can be enormous like cancer, infection, inflammatory disorders, disorders of the spine, and disk herniation. Acetaminophen and NSAIDs are used to treat back pain. Methylcoablamin is used to treat chronic low back pain. Recent studies show that vitamin B complex can be an effective option in treating back pain. 1mg of vitamin B12, 50-100mg of vitamin B6 can be used as an adjunct to NSAID therapy. In a double-blind, randomized study it was found that patients receiving a combination of diclofenac and B complex vitamins achieved better treatment responses in terms of pain reduction, and improvement in mobility and functionality. Some studies suggested that MeCbl may not be an effective option to treat lumbar spinal stenosis. Vitamin B12 for Fatigue A tired woman, Credits: canva The main symptoms of B12 deficiency are fatigue and weakness. Vitamin B12 deficiency results in poor production of red blood cells. Insufficient RBCs results in deprivation of oxygen. When cells don’t receive enough oxygen, you feel tired and weak. In the elderly, this type of anemia is termed pernicious anemia. When it comes to treating patients with fatigue using vitamin B12 injections, the results are inconsistent and the dosage regimens are unclear. Large scale clinical trials are required to validate the findings.

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