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  • Writer's pictureShruti GOCHHWAL

Is There a Connection between Fibromyalgia and Leg Pain?

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by widespread body pain. The pain and the associated tenderness is felt in some regions of the body like back of the neck, lower and upper part of the back, elbows, knees, and chest. Deep pain, tingling, and numbness in the hands and legs is the answer to the often asked question of what are the symptoms of fibromyalgia by many people.

Hip and leg pain appears in the form of a dull aching sensation in fibromyalgia. The problem does not seem to abate even with countless medications. People with fibromyalgia- related pain always feel as if they have overexerted their muscles in some way as they have to deal with this pain continually. But does this mean that you should altogether resign yourself to a life of never-ending, torturous pain? It certainly doesn’t.

Causes behind Fibromyalgia Leg Pain

Fibromyalgia leg pain mainly occurs in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the leg. The painful sensations are further enhanced by the problem that the brain faces in processing such pain signals.

A tingling sensation in the extremities of the body or restless leg syndrome are also regarded as possible causes of leg pain in fibromyalgia. Leg pain figures in the fibromyalgia symptoms checklist as being one of the most intense and extreme in nature. The pain is so severe that patients find it difficult to exercise and sleep soundly. The fibromyalgia leg pain icd 10 code according to is M79.606 ( ).

The Connection between fibrogyalmia and Restless Leg Syndrome

leg pain

Caption: A man’s legs, Credits: Pixabay

Restless leg syndrome commonly figures in the fibromyalgia symptoms checklist and is associated with the low quality of sleep that the patients with this condition have. In this syndrome, patients keep moving their legs to handle uncomfortable sensations that they feel in their body.

According to studies, most of the people with fibromyalgia develop restless leg syndrome deal with the unnerving pain in their legs. The severity of the syndrome aggravates at night and majorly contributes to the disturbed sleep that patients receive.

Where Are Fibromyalgia Pain Points Present on the Legs?

fibromyalgia pain

Caption: Doctor examining a patient’s leg Credits: Pixabay Alt tags: pain, fibromyalgia, health

The tender or trigger points of pain in the legs occur on the area inside the knee and the hip which is present behind the hip bone. A patient feels intense leg pain when these tender points are pressed.

It along with fatigue and pain in other parts of the body enables a doctor to diagnose a person as suffering from fibromyalgia.

Treatment and Medication for Fibromyalgia Related Leg Pain

Caption: woman practicing yoga, Credit: Pixabay

Fibronyalgia is treated with a dual approach of both medications and lifestyle changes. Some medicines are prescribed by the doctor, while in other cases over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen help in easing the discomfort associated with this condition.

Other ways for treating the chronic fibromyalgia leg pain include:

  1. Regular exercise like cycling, brisk walking, etc

  2. Getting adequate sleep

  3. Consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

  4. Setting aside time for relaxation

  5. Physical therapies

The above mentioned ways will help alleviate fibromyalgia related leg pain to a great extent. But you need to ensure that they remain a consistent part of your daily life.

Fibromyalgia can be a painful condition to deal with. But ther is no reason to lose hope. A treatment option is there for easing the severity of pain and your doctor can guide you through the best plan for treating your pain. Besides, the power of a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be ignored.

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