10 Techniques to Flush Your Gallbladder Safely
The gallbladder is located just below the liver and serves as a reservoir for bile. Bile is a digestive enzyme that is released from the gallbladder to aid in digestion. Sometimes, an imbalance in the constituents of bile can result in the precipitation of one or more bile constituents. When this bile remains for too long in gallbladder, it forms gallbladder sludge.
How to Prevent Gallbladder Sludge?
To prevent yourself from gallbladder sludge, try eating foods that can naturally flush out toxins from your body. Detoxifying your body through the consumption of various foods is essential for having good health. It also helps maintain the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
10 Techniques That Help Flush Your Gallbladder Safely
⦁ Avoid Consuming Processed or Packaged Foods
Processed and packaged foods are rich sources of dietary carbohydrates which cause a decrease in cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction. This influences the stasis predisposition of gallstone. If you avoid consuming such foods, your Liver function test, decongested gallbladder and bile/pancreatic ducts functions will slowly start to restore.
⦁ Coffee Enemas
Caption: Coffee enemas good for liver and gallbladder function Credits: pixabay
Coffee Enemas prepared from a mixture of caffeinated coffee and water can help stimulate the release of bile from gallbladder. The procedure involves inserting the coffee enema into the colon through the rectum. Coffee enemas help flush out the toxins by dilating the bile ducts and facilitating the excretion of the toxic bile from liver, gallbladder, and also from the small intestine.
⦁ Apple Juice
Caption: Apple juice rich source of malic acid Credits: pixabay
Malic acid, an important constituent of Apple juice is considered to be a strong cleansing agent.
Malic acid dissolves and weakens the bonds between the gallstone or sludge and promotes it’s easy evacuation from the body. However, it is recommended to take small quantities of apple juice as it may lead to diarrhea and bloating.
⦁ Olive Oil and Lemon Juice
Caption: Olive Oil and Lemon a great source of antioxidants Credits: pixabay
Taking a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice at frequent intervals during the day can promote flushing of harmful toxins out of the body through diarrhea and abdominal contractions. One can observe multiple soft green or brown spheroids passing into the stools which are parts of gallbladder sludge.1,6.
⦁ Reishi
Caption: Reishi mushrooms Credits: pixabay
Reishi is a mushroom that has a dissolving effect on gallstones. It promotes the production of bile and helps detoxify it through a special factor called ganodosterone. It promotes softening of the gallstones and gallbladder contraction thus, enhancing the release of gallstones from the gallbladder.
⦁ Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate)
Caption: Epsom salts also known as magnesium sulfate Credits: pixabay
Epsom salt are magnesium sulfates that help your gallbladder and body expel gallstones naturally. They work as a tonic and remove the stagnant waste from the body.
⦁ Fibre Rich Diet
Caption: Higher fibre vegetables Credits: pixabay
⦁ Vitamin C
Caption: Vitamin C rich citrus fruits Credits: pixabay
Vitamin C rich fruits like citrus, Amla, oranges, tomato, are known to inhibit the formation of gallstones. This is carried out by accelerating the conversion of gallstones forming cholesterol to bile salts.
⦁ Lecithin
Caption: Soy beans Credits: pixabay
Foods that are rich in lecithin like soy products have high amounts of phospholipids that can dissolve the gallstones.
⦁ Fenugreek seeds
Caption: Fenugreek seeds rich in anti-oxidants Credits: pixabay
Fenugreek seeds/ leaves intake can promote the conversion of excessive cholesterol into Bile Acids. It also inhibits the intestinal uptake of cholesterol and prevents the formation of gallstones.
Precautions to Be Taken While Carrying Out Gallbladder Flush
⦁ Individuals with severe forms of gallstones, gallbladder disease, or chronically ill patients should not carry out the procedure for gallbladder flush, as it may lead to adverse effects. ⦁ Pregnant or nursing mothers should avoid undergoing liver or gallbladder flush.