Everything You Need to Know About Palmoplantar Psoriasis
A skin disease, psoriasis mainly affects the joints and multiple systems in the body. It can be observed in varying intensity in different people. The most common areas where the effect of this disease can be seen and felt are the skin of the hands, feet, and face. In some cases, it progresses to the genital areas also.
Plaque psoriasis is the most common manifestation of this disease. So these terms are often used interchangeably. There are many variants of this condition, rupioid psoriasis being the most prominent. When psoriasis affects the soles of your feet, it is called plantar psoriasis or palmoplantar psoriasis.
Other major subtypes of this condition are erythrodermic psoriasis, flexural psoriasis, guttate psoriasis. Let’s find out more about this rare skin condition in more detail.
What Is Palmoplantar Psoriasis?
It is an autoimmune skin condition that affects the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. Blister like sores appears in those areas. Your skin can become cracked, red with scaly patches. According to researches, nearly 2-5 percent of the population is affected by palmoplantar psoriasis. Usually, the onset of the condition is between 20-60 years of age.
Many people suffering from this condition dont even realize it. It is because its symptoms come and go. Sometimes, they can flare; other times, they might not even be perceivable.
What Are the Syptoms of Palmoplantar Psoriasis?

A person having a skin condition, Credit: Pixabay
Tiny blisters filled with pus that become brown and scaly overtime, is the first warning sign of this condition. They can be painful and may make it difficult for you to use your hands comfortably. Look out for the following symptoms:
Thickened, raised skin
Skin redness
An itching sensation
Cracked and bleeding skin
Change in the skin colour
Thickening of the nails
There are no known causes of this type of psoriasis. It is an autoimmune condition which means that your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks itself instead of protecting your body. Anyone can get this condition, but it is more commonly observed in those who are in the habit of smoking.
Are You at Risk?

Smoke rising in the sky, Credit: Pixabay
Although its causes are unknown, yet some environmental factors can make one prone to developing this disorder. People like household workers, farmworkers, manual laborers, and long-term smokers are exposed to environmental and chemical irritants. Exposure to these elements can put them at the risk of developing palmoplantar psoriasis.
Those with thyroid disease, gluten sensitivity, type 1 diabetes, and anterior thorax arthritis are also prone to this condition. Those with this kind of psoriasis can also develop other conditions like Crohn’s disease, depression, type 2 diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, eye infections, and cancer.
Treatment for Palmoplantar Psoriasis

Person applying a skin cream, Credit: Pixabay
As mentioned before, this kind of psoriasis is incurable. But there are certain treatment options that can help you manage its symptoms. These include:
Coal tar ointment to reduce the itchiness and blisterns and reducing the skin’s tendency to become thick.
Topical steroid creams that can help in reducing inflammation and pain.
Vitamin A Acitretin tablets to help you manage all the common symptoms.
Psoriasis treatment in ayurveda that includes plant-based diet and exercise modifications.
If you have palmoplantar psoriasis, you will have to deal with it on a long-term basis. The treatment options mentioned above can significantly reduce the severity of its symptoms, but they won’t cure the condition completely. Remember always to maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking, and maintain good skin hygiene. If you think that your symptoms are continually worsening, its best to visit your doctor for help.