Surprising Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left Side
A good night’s sleep can help you stay healthy and alert. Experts say that sleeping for at least 7-8 hours a day can keep you away from various health issues. It helps you feel fresh and boosts your brain health. But are you aware of the fact that sleeping on the left side can fetch you with additional health benefits? Well yes! You heard that right! Numerous research studies have concluded that both the left and right sides of the body are very different from each other and most of our organs are situated towards the left side of our body. Thus, sleeping on your left side can prove to be a healthy sleeping habit.
Benefits of Sleeping on the Left Side:
1. Aids Digestion
Sleeping on the left side promotes the digestion of the food and helps eliminate waste from the body. This is because the digestive organs like the stomach and pancreas which are located on the left side of the body can promote passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine. It also helps stimulate the release of pancreatic enzymes and digestive juices which aids in digestion.

Caption: Women hands showing healthy digestive system Credits: pixabay
Sleeping on the left side promotes the digestion of the food and helps eliminate waste from the body. This is because the digestive organs like the stomach and pancreas which are located on the left side of the body can promote passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine. It also helps stimulate the release of pancreatic enzymes and digestive juices which aids in digestion.
2. Maintains Heart Health

Caption: Healthy heart Credits: pixabay
Sleeping on your left side is beneficial for the heart as it is located slightly towards the left side of your body. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure and also benefits patients with hypertension. However, it is not recommended to sleep on your left side in case of heart diseases.
3. Beneficial In Pregnancy

Caption: Pregnant woman putting her hands on belly Credits: pixabay
Pregnant women should always consider sleeping on the left side as it benefits the fetus and mother in many ways: ⦁ Sleeping on the left side provides relief from backache. ⦁ Stimulates blood flow towards the uterus, and fetus. Thus, providing essential nutrients to the baby helping in the growth and development.
The Benefits of sleeping on the left side can be availed to its maximum if aided by a long pillow between the legs while bending their knees slightly.
4. Prevents Snoring

Caption: woman irritated from snoring Credits: pixabay
Sleeping on your left side can help get rid of your snoring problem. This is because sleeping on your left side promotes neutral positioning of the tongue and the throat. This makes the airways clear, and prevents snoring by allowing proper breathing.
5. Controls Obesity

Caption: A man measuring his obese tummy Credits: pixabay
Sleeping on the left side can also help you lose weight. Though this may seem imperceptible, but It can help regulate your food cravings and hunger by modifying your hormone levels. It also aids in digestion and boosts metabolism.
6. Fights Hypertension
Sleeping on the left side reduces the pressure on the heart and promotes easy blood flow in the body. This helps reduce the pressure on the heart to pump blood easily throughout the whole body. Thus found to be beneficial in hypertension.
7. Detoxifies the Lymphatic System

Caption: Picture of woman’s spleen located on left side Credits: pixabay
The spleen is a part of the lymphatic system that helps filter out all the impurities from the body. Sleeping on the left side relaxes the spleen and boosts its functions. Thus, supporting the immune system to fight against infection causing bacteria.
8. Relieves Constipation

Caption: A man holding tissue paper to toilet Credits: pixabay
Ileocecal valve that promotes defection is located on the very left side of the body. When an individual sleeps on the left side, a pulling force is exerted on this valve aiding in the easy elimination of waste products from the body.
9. Reduces Symptoms of GERD

Caption: A woman suffering from GERD Credits: pixabay
GERD symptoms which include sore throat, heartburn, regurgitation, coughing, can be relieved when you sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side induces gravity and position the stomach below your esophagus, making acid reflux more difficult.