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Time, Stress, and Time and Stress Management 

Writer's picture: Shruti GOCHHWALShruti GOCHHWAL

What is Time Management?

Time management is the practice of dividing the time between different tasks. Effective time control allows you to function intelligently – not harder – meaning that even when time is set and the workload is heavy, you can perform more easily.

The inability to make effective use of time damages your performance and causes stress.

The time management process involves these basic steps:

  1. Developing a proper understanding of all the steps that have to be taken to complete tasks.

  2. Document these measures in the order they need to be carried out.

  3. Analyzing dependencies among steps that may cause any hindrance.

  4. Address the steps (using memory tools, including day planners, memo boards, sticky notes).

  5. Tracking the execution of the steps as and when they are done.

About Prioritizing!

Most time management techniques over-emphasize on technique, efficiency, and getting things done and under-emphasize on regulating actions related to preserving a healthy work-life balance.

Emphasizing the fulfillment of tasks rather than living a healthy life helps to produce tension instead of reducing it.

This mistake often sets the stage for failure and cynicism when people fail to meet deadlines by neglecting responsibilities and focusing on who or what they depend on.

Stress is a physical and psychological reaction to daily life requirements. The impression that mental or emotional strain is overloaded will become tension if you can’t deal with it.

Although for one person a certain amount of stress can be motivating, the same level can overwhelm another person.

Fight or Flight

Too much tension leads to the “fight-or-flight” instinct to kick in. The neuro system releases adrenaline and cortisol stress hormones.

This emergency response to stress can cause the heart to pound faster, blood pressure to rise, muscles to tighten up, and breathing to become rapid.

Constant stress in the body can cause suppressed immunity, digestive and reproductive issues, speed up aging, and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Stress can also make you more likely to suffer from mental health, such as depression and anxiety.

Man with headache

Caption: A man experiencing headache due to stress

Credits: Pixabay

Alt tags: Man with headache

Common origins of stress include work, school, major life changes, relationship problems, and financial instability. Finding ways to improve your overall ability to handle stress can help deal with these stressors.

Stress and Time Management Go Hand in Hand

Everybody has tension somewhere in their lives. Sadly, some people are stressed more than others.

Essentially, people who choose very ambitious jobs are often more stressful than others.

Air traffic controllers, ambulance dispatchers, infirmarians and police officials are some of these occupations.

Besides the work-related pressures of stressful careers, stress is often caused by other means. This tension generally results from the inadequate management of the time, and can influence someone irrespective of their occupation.

Thus, we can say that time and stress management go hand in hand.

Don’t Switch Gears

Another secret to better time management and ultimately less tension is working in batches. Try not to shift gears before finishing them and change them from task to task.

Alternately, group similar tasks and work on them one after another. This intends to increase your speed as your mind stops switching gears.

Working in groups can increase productivity, which reduces your workload and stress.

group meeting

Caption: Agroup meeting to brainstorm ideas

Credits: Pixabay

Alt tags: group meeting

Feel More in Control

You become more controlled over your time as you learn to use your time wisely. This can make you placid and less stressed as a result. Stress and time control therefore go hand in hand.

Waiting until the very end to complete a project or a task can cause stress.

Try instead to prioritize what you have to do at home and at work so that you can finish your assignments on time. This will help to reduce stress levels.

Be Organized

As management of stress and time goes hand-in-hand, organizing will affect both. Apart of time management includes being organized.

Improving Efficiency

This can be achieved by completing as many tasks and processes as possible.

Another way of improving efficiency can be to assess what you do. Search for job processes that are redundant or avoidable now.

Developing reliability and competitiveness would make you more comfortable and less stressed with less time, with better management of your resources.

How can Being Organized Prevent Stress?

Plant and laptop

Caption: A neat office table with a plant

Alt tags: Plant and laptop

Finding a Work-life Balance

A good approach to ensure that the strain from your job does not disrupt your family and personal time needs is to set limits to work and to prevent those borders from extending too far.

This can be quite a trick in some areas of employment for professionals and it would be quite difficult for others to deal with. The important thing is to try and leave work at work before coming back home, and prioritizing your family as much as possible.


The important way of preserving balance between work and life is to ensure that your schedule is a time to play and relax.

One way to do this is to plan and to make regular breaks during working hours.

Implementing restorative physical exercise into the schedule is not just a matter of taking a cup or smoking cigarettes.

Stretching, jumping or relaxing exercises, include incremental muscle recovery, or even a few yoga positions, to get you up in the air.

Don’t Over-commit Yourself

Avoid lining up things back-to-back or trying to fit too much within a day. Most of the times, we underestimate how long tasks will take to get done.

Prioritizing Tasks

Make a list of assignments and address them in order of significance. Items with high priority must be done first. Always complete your unpleasant or stressful work first.

The rest of your day will be more peaceful as a result.

Delegating Responsibility

No matter whether you’re at home, at school or at work, you don’t have to do it by yourself. If other people can look after the task, why not let them?

Leave behind the desire to oversee or control every little step. In this way, unnecessary tension would be relieved.

Learning to Elicit Stress

couple relaxing

Caption: A couple relaxing with a pet

Credits: Pixabay

Alt tags: couple relaxing

You need a way to handle the tension level immediately when you are frazzled by the daily commute, trapped at work at a busy event or tired of another fight with your family.

This is where rapid stress relief is important.

The simplest and quickest way to relieve tension is with a calming breath and a relaxing step that uses the senses—what you see, hear, taste, and touch.

You can relax immediately and concentrate on an unforgettable picture, smell a certain fragrance, hear a favorite song, have chocolate or spend time with a pet, for example.

Of course, not all respond to every sensory experience in the same manner. The key to quick stress relief is to venture and discover the unique experiences that can work best on you.


Everything good usually starts with gumption. It brings you together, decides you should be happier, and then does nothing to begin you and keep you alive. The opposite of gumption is boredom and guilt. Regulation of stress and time begins with a gumption.

This is the check that matters. Bad time and anger control is always more difficult instead of more knowledgeable.

Stress may be handled, even in extreme situations, is crucial to understand.

By managing time efficiently, you can learn to live a happy and, healthy life.

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