What Happens to Your Body When You Regulate Your Magnesium Intake?
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that our body requires in large amounts.
This is because magnesium is involved in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. Most importantly, this mineral is responsible for muscle contractions and maintaining a strong immunity.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of magnesium is around 400-420 milligrams per day for adults. If a person is suffering from deficiency symptoms like muscle twitches, fatigue, mental disorders, high blood pressure etc, a blood test must be conducted in order to check the levels of magnesium in your blood.
In order to maintain a regulated amount of magnesium in your diet, magnesium-rich foods must be consumed. They include:
Roasted almonds
Bran flakes
Kidney beans
Unrefined grains
Dark chocolate
Fatty fish
Benefits of Regulated Intake of Magnesium
The following events take place in your body when the required amount of magnesium is present:
Credit: pxfuel
Alt tag : broken bone
Caption: prevent fractures
1) Bone health improves
Magnesium is responsible for strengthening and improving bone formation by enabling small mineral crystals in the bone structure to increase in density.
In addition, calcium ions are one of the main components of bones are it’s absorption is facilitated with the help of magnesium ions.
Thus, one can say that calcium ions require the presence of magnesium ions in order to be effective. If magnesium ions were absent, calcium ions would start to accumulate in other places like the small tissues, bones and arteries and become toxic.

Credit: flickr Alt tag: person using black blood pressure monitor Caption: controls blood pressure
1) Controls blood pressure and cardiovascular health
The rate or force at which your heart pumps blood that flows in the blood vessels is known as blood pressure.
The blood vessels in your body are capable of contracting and relaxing like others muscles. The flow of magnesium ions helps the muscles relax and the calcium ions help the muscles contract. This is because magnesium acts as a natural calcium ion blocker into muscles. Thus, the combination of the two promotes heartbeat, blood flow and blood pressure.
In short, magnesium is able to control or prevent high blood pressure by allowing cardiac muscles to relax properly. As a result, it decreases the risk of heart conditions like heart attacks and heart blockages.
Magnesium ions also possess anti-inflammatory properties that will prevent blood clotting in the arteries, veins, or any blood vessels of the heart.

Credit: pexels Alt tag : woman in purple top eating pizza Caption: improves digestion
1) Improves digestive health
Magnesium is also responsible for the relaxation in the muscles and peristaltic movements of the digestive tract which improves digestion.
It maintains the PH of the stomach acid to advance stools through intestines and promote healthy bowel movements.
This is why low levels of magnesium and constipation are linked because if you think of it, the entire digestive tract is just one huge long muscle.

Credit: pixabay
Alt tag : inhaler breath asthma
Caption: fights asthma
1) Fights Asthma
Magnesium is often used to control muscle spasms of the bronchitis and help lungs breathe easier. As a result, symptoms of asthma can be controlled with magnesium and is often used during emergencies in the ERs.
They include chest tightness, insomnia, shortness of breath, uncontrollable coughing and wheezing.

Credit: Pixabay
Alt tag : Diabetes Blood sugar Diabetic
Caption: protects against Diabetes
1) Protection against diabetes
The levels of sugar in the blood is controlled by a hormone known as insulin which is released from the thyroid gland.
Once insulin is released, the cells respond or interact with insulin by the help of receptors present on the surface of these cells. To get a clearer understanding, the receptors are like entry gates or channels through which substances enter the cell and they are highly specific.
Magnesium ions are responsible to aid the entry of insulin through these receptors. Thus this means that if the magnesium levels in your blood were low, then the body cells would be unable to utilize the insulin produced effectively.
As a result, the blood sugar levels would not be kept in check and the levels would increase. The condition in which there is an increase in blood sugar levels is known as diabetes and this specific type of diabetes in which cells become insulin resistant is known as Types 2 Diabetes.

Credit: pexels
Alt tag: woman sleeping
Caption: cures insomnia
1) Aids to insomnia and depression problems
Since Magnesium ions block calcium ions, it helps the body muscles relax.
As a result, the mind would be able to relax and will eventually prove the quality of sleep by allowing you to fall asleep faster.
It is also known to regulate the production of hormones like melatonin and binds to GABA receptors. This is important as it induces sleep by regulating the sleep cycle and is often used as a dietary supplement to cure jet lag or sleeping disorders like insomnia.
In addition to melatonin, magnesium ions also help regulate the release of other brain hormones and reduces secretion of specific stress hormones. Thus, if magnesium levels were low, it could lead to several mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
Some evidence has also linked the regulation of menstruation hormones with magnesium ions which could cause premenstrual syndrome (PMS).