11 Amazing Immunity Booster Drinks With Recipes & Why You Should Have Them
Immunity is something that everyone of us crave to nourish and protect. Our immunity levels go down due to many reasons. A major one of them is an unhealthy lifestyle characterised by bad eating habits and sedentary life. A strong immune system enables you to effectively fight and defend your body against harmful diseases. For this you need to consume healthy items and spend some time exercising daily. When it comes to health, the importance of a strong immune system cannot be denied. An immunity booster drink can fill you with so many vitamins and minerals that will collectively help you to fight off diseases and stay in the pink of your health.
Healthy drinks cannot be purchased from a store. You have to make it yourself so that you know what exactly you are putting inside your body. An immunity booster drink prepared at home by using ingredients from your kitchen will greatly benefit your body. Today, our environment is filled with bacterias and viruses of various kinds. Everyone is catching infections at a lightning speed. It makes one question, how can i boost my immune system fast? Well, now you have plenty of choices in your arsenal. These tasty immunity boosters will set you on the path to acquiring good health.
Immunity Booster Drinks to Try at Home
Turmeric tea
Lemonade soda
Cardamom spiced tea
Lime cucumber water
Green juice
Almond milk drink
Hot garlic lemonade
Apple cider elixir
Hot pumpkin soup
Pomegranate and ginger water
Tomato soup
1. Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea, Credit: Canva
To make this immunity booster drink, all you need is 1-2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and 4 cups of water. Just boil turmeric with water. Boil it for around 15-20 minutes. Now strain it and serve it with lemon. Add a little amount of honey for taste if you want your drink to become sweet.
Turmeric is the anti-inflammatory element present in this drink that will instantly boost your immunity levels. It will also provide you relief from any kind of inflammation that you might experience in your body.
2. Lemonade Soda

Lemon water, Credit: Canva
Lemon water is the number one choice for those who want to detoxify their body. It is gut friendly and acts as a natural probiotic. Therefore, it helps people to get rid of all their constipation issues. Simply take a glass of soda and put some lemon in it. Mix them well. Your immunity boosting lemonade soda is ready.
3. Cardamom Spiced Tea

Spiced tea, Credit: Canva
This immunity booster drink will provide you with the goodness of all the spices. To prepare it, all you need is one tablespoon of ginger, grated, one inch cinnamon stick, two cloves, one cardamom pod, and a handful of tulsi leaves. You only need to boil all of these items in approximately a liter of water. Boil it for 30 minutes. Take out about 1/4th of this drink and drink.
It contains a range of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial elements that are necessary to help you in fighting infections. You will not get sick if you make this tea a daily part of your diet.
4. Lime Cucumber Water

Lime cucumber water, Credit: Canva
People often fail to drink their recommended daily dosage of water. As a result, they become the victim of dehydration which also severely weakens their immunity. But when lemon cucumber water ensures that you are getting your daily recommended water intake, along with the nutrients of lemon and cucumber. Simply fill a large jug with water and put lemon slices and cucumber pieces inside it. let it stay overnight. Pour the water from the jug in a glass and consume it as you wake up.
5. Green Juice

Green juice, Credit: Canva
People in search of the answer to the question What is the strongest immune booster?
It may seem to be a surprise for many that it is some humble green leaves. For making this immunity boosting drink, you need a cup of spinach leaves, half cup of cucumber, half cup curd, half teaspoon lemon juice, and some cubes of ice. Now all you need to do is mix them all in a blender and blend. It should have a smooth consistency. This drink will provide you with a variety of vitamins and minerals to help you fight away every infection.
6. Almond Milk Drink

Almond milk, Credit: Canva
It is not only an extremely delicious immunity booster drink, but also very easy to make. All you need is to soak some almonds overnight and in the morning, blend them in a blender with a cup of water. You can also add one teaspoon of cocoa powder to make the drink extra chocolatey and sweet.
7. Hot Garlic Lemonade

Garlic lemonade, Credit: Canva
No immunity booster drink is complete without spices like garlic and cinnamon. To make this tasty lemonade, chop four garlic cloves, take a teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon stick, one lemon, and four cups of water. Boil some water and add all the ingredients. Let them stay covered for 30 minutes. Pour this mixture in a glass to consume.
Ginger and garlic are the major antimicrobial compounds that will lower your chances of getting infected with virus and bacteria.
8. Apple Cider Elixir

An Apple cider vinegar, Credit: Canva
Apple cider vinegar is a very powerful prebiotic that can help you enhance your immune health. To make this drink, boil a cup of water and add ginger, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and a pinch of black pepper in it. After five minutes, serve this warm drink. You can add honey for taste.
9. Hot Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup, Credit: Canva
An immunity booster drink with pumpkin will protect your body from free radical damage. To make it, heat some oil, onions, and garlic for one minute. Now add some pumpkin on it. Add four cups of water, salt, and pepper. You should cook it for around 10 minutes . After 20 minutes, place it aside and let it cool. Now blend it. Your pumpkin soup is ready.
10. Pomegranate and Ginger Water

pomegranate, Credit: Canva
Lemon and ginger have detoxifying properties. When they are mixed with pomegranate, it not only makes for a great immunity booster drink, but also an after dinner treat. It can also be used for those trying to lose weight.
11. Tomato Soup

Tomato soup, Credit: Canva
Tomatoes with their detoxifying and anti-microbial properties make for a great detoxifying food. To make its soup, simply place tomatoes with oil, garlic, and onion on a pan. Boil for around 25 minutes and then cover it for sometime. Add water if you do not want it to be thick. Serve hot.
There you go! These tasty immunity boosting drinks will ensure that you will not fall victim to any illness in this season.