7 Relaxation Tricks To Help You Sleep Better When You’re Under Stress
Stress from the day can take a toll on your health and can keep you up at night. When stress has sent you into a sleep rut, it can feel difficult to get out of it. But these 7 strategies can all help your mind and body relax so you can get into that deep slumber very fast.
1. Practice meditation, yoga and mindfulness
a woman meditating, Credits: pexels
Yoga, meditation and mindfulness are techniques for calming the mind and relaxing the body. In addition, they all are found to enhance sleep.
Yoga promotes breathing patterns and body motions to release stress and tension in your body. Research reveals that yoga may improve sleep factors such as quality of sleep, sleep effectiveness and sleep duration positively.
It is crucial to relax yourself before bed if you are stressed out. One technique to achieve this is to manage your breathing it will encourage you to relax and decrease the thinking.
There are plenty of videos or information online where you can learn how to practice different types of deep breathing, like left-nostril breathing which is said to have a soothing and relaxing effect on the body-mind.
Meditation can enhance melatonin levels and assist the brain in achieving a specific state where sleep is easily achieved
2. Watch Your Dinner and Eat it Right
light dinner, Credits: pexels
At dinner, eat a combination of high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates, like quinoa mixed with sautéed greens or baked chicken breast sprinkled with roasted pumpkin seeds. For dessert, try a bowl of fresh tart cherries or a frozen yogurt made with frozen tart cherries and coconut milk. Then, right before bed, consider taking a supplement such as magnesium glycinate, a popular sleep aid that works to reduce the stress of the nervous system and promote a steady state of relaxation.
3. Limit the intake of caffiene
coffee, Credits: pexels
Caffeine’s effects vary from person to person, but if you are facing trouble sleeping, caffeine could be avoided. If you’re caffeine-sensitive, try completely avoiding it for a month and see if that improves your sleep.
You can opt for herbal green tea or other flavour induced tea as a substitute for coffee.
4. Get comfortable bedding
comfortable bedding, Credits: pexels
A comfortable mattress and bedding can have a remarkable effect on the depth and quality of sleep.
The quality of your pillow is also crucial.It can affect yourneck curve, temperature, comfort.
Additionally, the use of a weighted blanket could reduce body stress and help improve your sleep.
Take a soothing warm bath.
a woman bathing, Credits: pexels
Some studies found that bathing on a regular basis helped lower stress and improve sleep in participants.
You can infuse some essential oils like lavender or rose and take shower.
6. Listen to relaxing music
women listening to music, Credits: pexels
Music can significantly improve quality of sleep and can improve chronic sleep disorders, such as insomnia.
Listening to Buddhist music may be another great tool for better sleep, as it can reduce the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep.
You can choose any music of your choice and try sleeping.
7. Avoid naps during the day
a woman taking a nap, Credits: pexels
Due to poor sleep at night, people tend to be sleepy during the day, which often leads to daytime napping.
While naps of short duration have been linked to improvements in alertness and well-being, there are mixed opinions about the effects of napping on nighttime sleep.