Here’s why Betadine is THE BOSS of all ointments
When the body gets injured or wounded, betadine ointment uses you will be more prone to infections due to the exposure of moisture which serves as a medium for bacteria to grow.
This is where antiseptics come to use. The sole purpose of antiseptics is to prevent minor cuts wounds, scrape, and burns from getting infected. Infections need to be prevented as they can cause problems like:
Prevent healing
Delay healing
Worsen the condition of the wound, leading to secondary infections.
One common and popularly used antiseptic is Betadine.
What is Betadine?
Betadine or povidone-iodine is an antiseptic that is used to disinfect surfaces like the skin. It is usually applied in the form of the following:
Betadine ointment or lotion
Betadine solution
Betadine powder
Betadine gargle
Most liquid-based betadine are applied to the wound by a cotton swab.

Applicator, Credit: Wallpaper flare
Betadine price could range anywhere from Rs. 50 – 500.
Betadine ointment or Betadine Lotion
Both types of betadine ointment uses products are used for wound disinfection. The only difference between the two is that betadine creams/ lotions are a preparation of a medication for topical use that contains a water base while ointments typically have an oil base.
Betadine solution
This is a 10% concentrated aqueous solution that is quick or fast-acting on a broad spectrum of antiseptic and is thus used to kill bacteria in wounds.
Betadine powder
This powder contains a string dosage of betadine but can only be used for external applications. The affected area or wound that is to be disinfected is to be kept dry and clean before applying the powder.
Betadine gargle
This gargle or mouthwash is used for the treatment or prevention of acute infections like:
Areas in the lining of the mouth and throat
Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)
Mouth ulcers
It is also used as an oral cleaner to maintain oral hygiene or during post-dental or mouth surgeries.

Betadine gargle, Credit: Wikimedia commons
Benefits of Betadine
● Does Not Sting
Betadine products will not sting your skin or cause any other tingling sensations as it does not contain any alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
Thus, it is a better option compared to other alcohol-based antiseptics, especially for children.
● Does Not Stain
The active ingredient of betadine ointment uses is what imparted its golden-brown color. However, this pigment does not stain the skin or fingernails. If accidentally spilled, it can easily be washed away with water and soap.
● Stable in Solution State
Povidone-iodine is made of the following chemical complex:
Hydrogen iodide
Elemental Iodide
Thus, it is soluble in warm and cold water and other solutions like ethanol, ethyl propanol, glycerol, etc. Due to its stability, it has more advantages compared to other antiseptics like iodine or Lugol’s solution.

Antiseptic for wounds, Credit: Wikimedia commons
The effective antiseptic nature of betadine, its large diversity, options or types of products, and its beneficial properties gives it a higher ground compared to other antiseptics like rubbing alcohol, iodine, Dettol, etc. Moreover, most of the others are highly evaporative in nature and extra precaution must be taken for storage.
Thus, it is safe to say that betadine ointment uses products really are the boss of all antiseptic ointments.