What to Expect When You Meet an Autistic Person
One may face quite a great challenge while communicating with an autistic person. Autism treatment in india people may seem quite strange and intimidating to others but they are quite fun and exciting once you get to know them. This guide will help you understand them.
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
In India every 2-6 children out of every 1000 have Autism. Autism in India affects around 1 in 250 children. Autism is a develop mental disorder where a person finds difficulties with communicating and social interaction.
Is Autism Curable?
Autism is a spectrum of conditions where a person faces difficulties in different ways. Autism is a birth defect, it is not an illness or condition and cannot be ‘cured’.
What is “action for autism”?
In view of Autism, “Action for Autism” campaign was started in 1991. This helps persons with autism by providing support and services so that they can grow to their full potential. Autism treatment in India focuses on dietary changes to treat Autism patients, provide counsellors and special educators to assess the progress of autistic children. Some other treatments include classical homeotherapy and isotherapy treatment.
Here are the Autism treatment in India follow these setups:
1. Avoid crowded and distractive places

Crowded places are not meant for an autistic person, Credits: pixabay
Autistic people prefer quiet places. Loud places or noise can cause sensory overload in them. Too much sound and light which may seem okay for us can cause discomfort in autistic people. Many of them prefer to interact on a one-on-one basis in a quiet and less noisy place. They want to feel they can have more meaningful conversations.
2. Lack of Eye Contact

Eye contact cannot be expected from an autistic person, Credits: pixabay
Eye contact is an essential part of communication. But, people with autism often have a hard time looking into other people’s eyes. This makes socializing and communicating a challenge. This is because an autistic person may find eye contact to be stressful and uncomfortable. Just because they are not looking at your eyes does not mean they are not listening to you.
3. Difficulty Understanding your speech

Explain figure of speech, Credits: pixabay
Problems with speech and language are one of the defining characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders. An autistic person may not understand what you are thinking or feeling at any given time. Be prepared to explain the figures of speech.
4. Avoid Touching them Without Warning

Avoid touching without warning, Credits: pixabay
Due to sensory overload and differences, Autism people can feel shocked and worried by an unexpected touch. Make them feel comfortable, or let them see that you are initiating a touch so that they have a chance to decline if they can’t handle it today.
5. Repeated Body Movements
Autistic people carry different behaviour where they may exhibit repeated body movements like hand flapping, rocking, or unusual responses to people. Individuals may also experience sensory overload in their five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. So, it’s not unusual to notice these movements when you are talking to an autistic person.
6. Intolerant Toward Change

Intolerance towards food, Credits: pixabay
An autistic patient typically dislikes change and likes to follow the same routine. Any change in their daily routine can upset them and make them nervous. The change should be presented to them very slowly, giving them ample time to adjust. Occupational therapy for autism can help children accept changes and take part in various activities like interacting with people, developing liking and all.
It can be difficult and hard to communicate and interact with an autistic person. But try, accepting them as they are and treat them with respect. It will mean a lot to them.