Am I Too Old to Get Braces?
Everyone loves the sight of a beautiful smile. Yet, perfectly aligned teeth resembling piano keys seem like a dream to many. Fortunately, there are many types of braces with the help of which you can become the owner of an aesthetically pleasing smile. Braces are commonly noticed in children and teenagers. But an older person struggling with misaligned teeth often wonders about teeth braces age limit. Here is what you need to know before you decide to get braces.
Do You Need Braces?

Person being tested by dentist, Credit: Pixabay
Lately, there has been a surge in the number of people opting for orthodontic treatments. If you have any of the orthodontic problems listed below, you can consider investing in braces in order to resolve your dental issues.
Crooked, crowded, and misplaced teeth
Jaw malrelation (twisted jaw)
Large gaps between teeth
Jaw joint disorders
Overbites and underbites
Is There a Teeth Braces Age Limit?

Dentist showing teeth specimen, Credit: Pixabay
The answer to this simple question is no, there is simply no age limit to getting braces. You should not hesitate to straighten your teeth using braces even if you are well past your teenage. Apart from correcting your teeth alignment, you are sure to receive many psychological benefits in the form of increased confidence and self-esteem.
However, age brings its own problems. There are greater chances of having dental issues like fillings and missing teeth at an older age. That is why braces are generally recommended for children and adolescents who have less dental problems. But a quick consultation with your orthodontist can easily put all your queries to rest.
Are There Braces for Older People?

Elderly woman with braces, Credit: Pixabay
You now know that as an adult, you don’t need to be afraid of getting your teeth straightened using braces. In fact, it has been reported that many people visiting orthodontisists for getting braces are well above 18 years of age.
Usually the types of braces commonly recommended for adults are:
Ceramic braces/ clear braces
Lingual braces
Self ligating braces
Invisalign braces
Which Type of Braces Should You Go for?

Woman with braces, Credit: Pixabay
Older people can try lingual braces in which the orthodontic brackets are invisible to the onlooker. Alternatively, ceramic braces also offer the same benefit. Both these kinds of braces are less obvious treatments for your misaligned teeth correction.
Self ligating braces are also used for adults. They are small in size and more comfortable than traditional braces. Invisalign or the clear aligner braces is a widely chosen orthodontic treatment. The braces appear as clear plastic trays and can be removed for activities like eating and drinking. They offer ease of use, hence the likelihood of them being stained is way less than other types.
It should be noted that merely putting braces will not cure all your dental problems. You should also follow good oral hygiene practices. The braces need to be well cared for you to get the maximum value out of them.
Braces are a safe and effective way to treat various types of dental and oral health issues. The rapid advancements in this area of dentistry has erased all the stereotypes regarding braces that were prevalent earlier. The scope of braces has increased and now it can be worn not only by children and adolescents but also adults.